Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 13: Back to Ibadan

Day 13 was the day we left Igbo Ora and returned to Ibadan. Returning to Ibadan was like paradise and plus, Dr. Fasasi (since he had to drive me) and Dr. Sanwo (who is presenting on Friday as well) got to leave early!

Dr. Sanwo was particularly attentive to my eating habits as I had mentioned I enjoyed eating fruits but was concerned about eating fresh fruit in Nigeria after reading all the medical travel advice (boil it, peel it or don't eat it at all!). I tried a cashew fruit (that we had picked off of a tree the day before) which tasted sour and a bit bitter so I didn't eat that.

I then tried to eat another mango but this mango had gone a little bad. Ultimately, I ended up eating Indomie Instant Noodles for breakfast!

I have to admit the instant noodles tasted pretty much like some Asian form of instant noodles with a MSG packet to boot. It's advertised in Nigeria as Tasty Nutrition. Good for you. I think I'm going to pick up some the next time we go grocery shopping and if there is interest to try it in Chicago, I'll bring some home too.

Before we started our drive back, we went into the downtown of Igbo Ora to pick up some local food that cost about $1 USD. I (of course) wasn't able to partake in this. This was the area surrounding the place we purchased food.

I wish I could have taken a picture of the numerous children, women and men surrounded by goats and chickens. (I was refused again). The residents liked to tease me about the goats because the whole time I was there, I could not get over how they roamed everywhere and anywhere including the clinic rooms and even our kitchen. The day before, Dr. Sanwo even had to yell at a goat attempting to enter our kitchen while we cooked.

Our drive back was filled with potholes and we even got pulled over once at a "security checkpoint" that Dr. Fasasi met with exasperation. Still no bribes given. Dr. Sanwo gave me a running commentary of the different types of fruits and spices we saw along the drive. Did you know there was an almond fruit and we basically just eat the seeds in the US? I'll have to try that before leaving.

When I returned to Ibadan, I was relieved and extremely happy as the electricity had been restored!!!! YAY!! When we learned that electricity had been restored the night before leaving (we all had been checking in with people at UCH), we all rejoiced with happiness! It was like being back in luxury. I took a nice long shower with a running tap and sat in my room enjoying the air conditioning.... until of course the electricity went for a bit at night. Of course.

Igbo Ora was an adventure but I'm glad to be back at UCH even with the unreliability of modern conveniences. If I can make it in rural Nigeria, I'm sure you can too.

When I arrived home, everyone that I had become friends with me re-greeted me and welcomed me back either in form of a phone call, text or flash. The oyibo made it out of the bush!

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